Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chapter 17: Advertising and Public Relations

The next wave are here. Neymar, M'Vila, Götze. Hungry to break through. Unafraid to line up with Ribéry, Sneijder, Ronaldo. Followed by thousands more. Ready for the chance. Are you? Watch the film, then find what it takes to make it.

Advertising is impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by a marketer. When a company advertise their product that company needs to have a good Public Relations; the marketing function that evaluates public attitudes identifies areas within the organization the public may be interested in and executes a program of action to earn public understating and acceptance. When Nike advertise they have advertising strategies just like the other competitors.
Advertising Strategies,

  • Designed to make a connection to the consumer.
  • Seldom pitch the product directly or talk about product attributes.
  • Sometimes do not even mention the company's name featuring instead only the swoosh logo.
  • Seek to portray the core value of sports.
  • Collaboration ADs with another strong branded product such as Apple Ipod.

Also, Nike's strongest way to advertise is employing so many athletes that are famous and everybody in the world knows them, such as; Cristiano Ronaldo, LeBron James, Ronaldinho, Tiger Woods, Serena Williams, and Michael Jordan. These are the athletes from different sports.
       Its been years since the sweatshop article in the media alleging that factories in China and Indonesia were forcing workers to work long hours for low pay. This cause created a public relations nightmare for Nike Inc. Nike was in huge crises because the didn't know what to do but Nike joined a task force called fair job labor association to access whether companies are abiding by the code and banish sweatshops, in the athletic shoe, and clothes industry. Knight promised to meet the U.S Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). He said that the minimum worker age for Nike factory would raused to 18 years for full-time employees and 16 for the part-time ones.To better themselves Nike redeemed itself by slashing over time, improve safety and ventilation, and reduce the use of toxic chemicals. Its good to see Nike took steps to improve the accusations they were accused of, but should have been taken care of as soon as it they were aware of them. And that how Nike fixed the problem with the public.
Jim Keady were interviewed by ESPN about the "SweatShops"

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