Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chapter 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility

Over the years Nike has become the biggest leader in athletic shoe industry and global entity, but with it ethical issue has brought up. For instance Nike came up with an contract that offered to St. John University, but there was an issue Jim Keady who's the coach for St. John's soccer team, he didn't want to sign the contract because of Nike's sweatshop in Indonesia and the unfair pay of labors. Because of him rejecting the contract St. John forced him to resign, he wasn't interested wearing Nike product because of unfair pay to the labors.

Jim Keady were interviewed by ESPN three years ago and he went to Indonesia and lived there for couple months but he couldn't do anything then he traveled back to the United States and he went to Oregon, walks in to a restaurant and sees Phil Knight who is CEO for Nike. In this video he was trying to interview Phil but he rejected Jim Keady.

With all this going on the discovery became public knowledge instead of confidential bringing the government of other country's to get involved , making Nike take social responsibility for their actions. Nike joined a task force called fair job labor association to access whether companies are abiding by the code and banish sweatshops, in the athletic shoe, and clothes industry. Knight promised to meet the U.S Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). He said that the minimum worker age for Nike factory would raused to 18 years for full-time employees and 16 for the part-time ones.To better themselves Nike redeemed itself by slashing over time, improve safety and ventilation, and reduce the use of toxic chemicals. Its good to see Nike took steps to improve the accusations they were accused of, but should have been taken care of as soon as it they were aware of them.

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